Oftentimes church and church people are so judgmental.  I’m one of those that has been around church all my life, but have been rarely impressed.  I can even remember when I was younger and going, I was often bored to death.  I knew there had to be the real, authentic, and transparent Christ-followers and churches out there, but it was rarely found.  One place I did find it was Metro Bible Study at Mount Paran Church back through the 80’s.  It impacted my life.  It was alive with real people doing real life together, failures, victories, and all.  You know why it worked for so many: Transparency and authenticity, no haughtiness nor judgmentalism, but truth spoken in love, and acceptance of people right where they were in life.

If we’ve somewhere talked along the way or you are finding this blog because one of our team has shared Origin Church with you, you have finally discovered a group of people who love you just like you are and know this: We exist for far away from God, agnostic, atheistic, religious, good, unsure of a belief system people who just haven’t seemed to gel in a church of any kind.  You don’t have to change for us!  We understand you! This thing at Origin is all about one thing: Relationships! We believe God has this big and great plan for your life and we’d like to help you discover it. We get where you are because a lot of what you don’t like or are unsure about, most of us have been too at some time or another.  We don’t have all the answers!  You’ve got questions, so do we! We’re on a journey of discovery!  Listen, you could literally come, enjoy the vibe of the environment we have created, meet new friends, feel at home, and never, ever “get-it” about this thing of Jesus Christ, and we’d still love you, befriend you, want our families to be close, and never miss a beat in doing life together.  That, our friends, is the truth!!  We’ll prove it to you!

One of our greatest desires is to serve our city and add value to it, hoping that service will launch an initiative that explodes around the world for the care and concern for others.  Hey, we’re not yet in a position (financially speaking) to help others; we’re launching a new church.  But, we’re doing it anyway.  We’re a partner for another church launching like this in Las Vegas, giving away to our city at Christmas parades and Haunted houses, searching for ways we can give of ourselves to the school systems in a mentoring role to students without fathers, and it’s only just begun. The people that make up the launch team at Origin Church are giving, unselfish, servant-hearted people who join with me in desiring to be a part of love, “crazy-compassion,” and meeting real needs.  Jesus spent more time meeting physical needs than He did doing anything else; that’s us!

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