• Kim and I totally enjoyed our time with GHC and Catalyst West this week.  How refreshing!  Great coaching network!  New friends too.  Love you J.D.!
  • The energy and excitement leading up to church today, our third service, has been exciting!  Our third week was fabulous!  We need a box truck of our own so we don’t have to load and unload 4 times a Sunday…..killing us!
  • Moxie and his wife, Clarissa, led worship today.  We had some fun!  Songs like:
  1. Salvation is Here
  2. Forever
  3. How Great is Our God
  4. Closer- Breakaway (Kelly Clarkson)
  • Two great friends of ours, John Buckner and Randy Parker were in the band today.  They’re amazing guys!
  • Our team of volunteers at Origin have been tireless.  I notice that they “get” that it’s not about any of us, but for people who don’t go.  Thank you!
  • We’d like to raise $150K this year for Origin Church.
  • Mike Hedden, President of Danley Labs, has become a good friend and we love using his cabinets in our worship.  The best!  Try ’em!  He just put 6 of the same subs we use in at Willow Creek!
  • We’ve had some great churches, planting organizations, and close friends come alongside us to partner financially for these first 21 months of planting Origin Church….we wouldn’t have gotten going and will not be sustained without them.  Thank you!
  • I can tell you right now, Propresenter software has been a fabulous improvement to anything I’ve ever used in media.  Jordan is doing “the bomb” in making it happen.
  • Waiting for God to show some friends and family from out of state to move here and be a part of this new church….love ’em!
  • God has been good to us for our first three worship services together;  I want to take a moment and thank all of you that come……and for your kind comments.  We love our people already!
  • We are gearing up for a new series starting in two weeks on stress and pain!  Don’t miss it!
  • Baby dedication is Mother’s Day, May 10.  Email us and let us know.
  • New Volunteers:  Email us and let us know that you would like to serve.  We’ll meet with you individually!
  • A shout out to Doc Womack on our team;  He is a total package encourager to our team, to everyone he comes in contact with, and to me, personally!  A God-send!  Very, very gifted!
  • We showed a funny clip today of comedian Tim Hawkins.  If you haven’t listened to him, you need to; a huge and good laugh!  Kim was doubled-over laughing so hard hearing him this past week.
  • Won’t be long now until our oldest graduates from high school and off to UGA!  We can’t believe it!  We remember when we took our first church and he was the only baby in the nursery; seems like yesterday!  🙁
  • I love the hope that’s out there for our lives….when we’re down we realize, it won’t always be this way.  When we’re up, we enjoy as much as we can!
  • Origin Church: Wow!  Can’t believe we get to do this!  Can’t believe God put back together some of us that did ministry together years ago.  Unprecedented!  
  • Loving how fresh God seems to me and how real I feel.
  • A shout out to Ryan Fitzgerald for his constant guidance in our journey.  He’s got it all!
  • Looking forward to seeing what God wants to do with Origin Church….stay with us!

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