Tim Sanders

  • God will hold you in kindness and compassion for what you TRIED to do in this life.

 Dave Ramsey

  • By definition, gossip is when a negative is discussed with anyone who can’t help solve the problem.  Gossip is on the same list in the Bible as adultery.
  • There is a spirit of fear in America regarding our financial situation.  When you operate in fear, you make bad decisions.
  • The financial challenge in America is an artificial low driven by emotion.
  • After 9-11, the market came back in 57 days.  (it had dropped 14%)
  • 9 out of 10 times the market has ever fallen, it has come back strong in two years. (upwards of 32%)
  • If you pull out your 401K, five years from now you’re gonna feel really dumb.


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