Latest PostsRelief Continues for Origin Church
We launch out for more tornado care, Friday of this week with over 40 bags of supplies going to needy tornado victims here in Ringgold, GA. We go door-to-door looking for the owners of devastated homes, to simply bless. We also will be giving out Home Depot and...
A May Friday
Origin Team is off to the tornado relief areas today to deliver bags and bags of living goods. We feel like when time has passed and it seems like all are OK, they are not, so we deliver again and again and again. Thanks to so many of you for helping make this...
Disaster Challenge
In talking with Rev. Ronald Davidson at Gleaning For The World, we have not seen disasters of this magnitude and at this large volume in the last Century. 83% of people that are asked about the church at large say this; "It belongs to someone else and I don't feel...
Relief Update
Relief Relationships
It's (life) is all about adding value to people God created and that should happen whether we are in a tornado relief effort like our church is right now or it is just a normal and routine day. There are so many moving parts to relief and one that happened yesterday...
Why We Are Doing What We Doing in Tornado Relief
So Far So Good On Tornado Relief
Brenda is a lady that lives alone and got in touch with us through our "base" in downtown Ringgold and needed multiple trees cut up in her yard. They were large and all over each other and she had never been involved in any disaster like this. As you can imagine,...
ALL Pastor’s and Staff
COAD (Community Organizations Acting in Disaster) The COAD forming is a group that will work to accomplish and fund a coordinated, long-term, recovery and rebuilding effort. The COAD is about Cooperation, Communication, Coordination and Collaboration. All local area...
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