I’m a big believer that young-age, middle-age, or older-age has nothing to do with going higher and achieving some dreams.  Truett Cathey, who is 87 years old, proves this statement to be true.  As you know, Mr. Cathey is the CEO of Chick-Fil-A and has a created a dynamite business that is closed on Sundays and serves no alcohol.  Well, at 87, he is launching a new pizza place called Upscale Pizza in Fayetteville, GA.  It will also be aimed at families, closed on Sundays, will not serve alcohol, and hold to the high standard of good customer service.  A great concept Mr. Cathey uses in his leadership training is this statement: “Courtesy is very cheap, but it always pays great dividends.”  I like it!  He also says, “Success is not guaranteed.”  That concept is real to all of us when we plant a new church, huh?  Upscale Pizza represents a new chapter in his life, Mr. Cathey says.  Such good lessons for all of us in planting a new church.  Nothing is guaranteed except faithfulness and obedience.  In the end, I think we have to be very careful what we design success to be in our minds and hearts.  I have a good feeling the God defines it much differently than you and I.  You can read the complete story right here.

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