Unlimited Dreaming

Some years ago, a pastor friend of mine had a man in his church with large, large financial means call him to come by his office. He was nervous, but when he got  there, he received the stun of his life.  The member said and I paraphrase, “I have multi-millions...

Week in Review

Kim and I totally enjoyed our time with GHC and Catalyst West this week.  How refreshing!  Great coaching network!  New friends too.  Love you J.D.! The energy and excitement leading up to church today, our third service, has been exciting!  Our third week was...

Doodling on CNN

CNN did a report recently on something I do everyday, doodle.  I go through stacks of notebooks and many pens.  Here’s what they concluded: You pay attention very well when doodling You remember 3% more information when doodling A part of your mind is working...


They’re an interesting phenomenon.  They will lie to you and they will accentuate you.  Either/or, can be devastating.  Don’t get me wrong, they are a good thing, if kept in check.  You’ve been around emotional, basket-case people who drove you nuts...


After 20 years almost as a pastor or in ministry of some sort, I have become aware of some of the idiosyncrasies of many “churchy” people.  Here are a few thoughts from the years: Most people are fickle.  If something better comes along, they’re...

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