
Death can be fearful, simply because we have to physically deplete in order to physically ascend.  That can be degrading, because you either watch someone you love go downhill fast, or you watch yourself do so.  If you know Christ, you ascend and have a new body and a...

Seth Godin Today

Simple five step plan for just about everyone and everything The number of people you need to ask for permission keeps going down: 1. Go, make something happen. 2. Do work you’re proud of. 3. Treat people with respect. 4. Make big promises and keep them. 5. Ship...

Thinkings Lately

1.  As pastors, we so often take personally, lack of attendance on a Sunday, as if we are the reason people didn’t show up……we’re not that important!  There are many other elements as to why we have a low Sunday. 2.  Risk is worth it.  Church...

Interesting…… Focus on the Family

Halloween has become a major unofficial American holiday. Researchers at Hallmark Cards report that 65 percent of us decorate our homes and offices for the annual event. It is second only to Christmas in retail spending at about $5 billion, and it is the third biggest...

Worth It on a Friday

These are some thoughts that help me each day: 1.  Don’t compare yourself to other people, ministries, or workplaces. There are always people that have larger churches, do life better, or have more than you do, and this comparison often leads to compromise.  I...

Stinking Thinking

Right thinking determines our future…it’s easy to get off-track.  Good thoughts come and go and so do bad thoughts.  Proverbs 23:7 says, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Heart refers to “affections, those things we love, hold...

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