Gabe Lyons Thoughts

This is why we exist, Origin Church, to help reduce these stats!  Pretty interesting statistics from Gabe Lyons, author of UnChristian.  Non-Christians aged 16-29 years old were asked, “What is your current perception of Christianity?” 91% said...

The White House

We got a nice letter today from Nancy Theis, Special Assistant to the President, regarding our new church plant project.  Here are a couple of excerpts: “The President appreciates you sharing your project……The President sends his best wishes.” ...

Jim Valvano Quote

Believe it or not, both of these guys pastor churches that were church plants.  I love ’em both!  Ed planted Fellowship and John Osteen planted Lakewood.  Both are adding amazing value to people around the world!  Before Jim Valvano died, he said there are three...

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