There’s Nothing New

I think one of the things we leaders need to get used to is, Ecclesiastes 1:9………”there is nothing new under the sun.”  Everything we as planters and pastors do has been, is being, or will be done by someone else.  Everything I have ever...

Adrian Rogers on 4 Types of Leadership

1.  Natural-  Some are leaders by nature. 2.  Positional-  Some are leaders by position. 3.  Entrepreneurial-  Most pastors aspire after this one and it is the most dangerous.  Dreaming and scheming can be dangerous.  Your laymen will compete with you here and many of...

Keep Reaching

I’m a big believer that young-age, middle-age, or older-age has nothing to do with going higher and achieving some dreams.  Truett Cathey, who is 87 years old, proves this statement to be true.  As you know, Mr. Cathey is the CEO of Chick-Fil-A and has a created...

I’ve Noticed

Through the years as a lead pastor, God has seemed to use me to help churches raise a new standard and to challenge them to go to the next level.  Call it going higher, seeing more, enlarging the vision, or creating new identities, it still boils down to the fact that...

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