
In this day of a church planting movement, planters often seem to get all the accolades for fast growth, large numbers, and tons of baptisms.  No doubt, God has moved in some places.  I would like to caution us to remember that it’s easier to launch a church and...

Andy Crouch and Matt Chandler at Catalyst 2008

Andy Crouch Culture change starts with 3 people. Look at Google.  A small group can maintain the suspension of impossibility. Then, they draw in 12.  They bring more depth and new resources. Then, you draw in 120.  They all care about the vision.  They bring a...

Tim Sanders and Dave Ramsey Catalyst 2008

Tim Sanders God will hold you in kindness and compassion for what you TRIED to do in this life.  Dave Ramsey By definition, gossip is when a negative is discussed with anyone who can’t help solve the problem.  Gossip is on the same list in the Bible as adultery....

Craig Groeschel at Catalyst 2008

Craig Groeschel The “it” factor.  I don’t know what “it” is, but I’m pretty sure “it” has something to do with the Holy Spirit, but not ALL spirits. God makes “it” happen.  You can’t create...

Steven Furtick and Seth Godin Catalyst 2008

Steven Furtick If you feed them, they will come. When we made the decision to move to Charlotte, NC to plant a new church, one of our thoughts about this was that there was more to life than just going out and working a job filling up a bunch of 401K’s.  Seth...

Jim Collins at Catalyst 2008

Jim Collins Greatness is a conscious choice. Most overnight successes are about 20 years in the making. The discipline of the flywheel is hard to get going.  It took Sam Walton 7 years to go to 2 stores.  It was 13 years before Starbucks had 5 stores. How do the once...

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