From Monday Morning Insight

Words inspire, encourage and empower.  The words we use as leaders can make a world of difference in the energy level and performance of our team members.  Here are a few words effective leades use on a regular basis… We I’m sorry Thank you It’s your decision Try it...

Notes from Catalyst One Day

Craig Groeschel You will face multiple challenging seasons in your ministry Churches tend to like to settle into what’s comfortable If it was just a little tweak, you would have done that a long time ago What got us to this point won’t get us to where we...

Book List

The following book list is a list of books that have changed my whole line of thinking and look at life over the last 20 months. 1.  The Secret Things of God- Henry Cloud 2.  3 Seconds- Les Parrott 3.  Confessions of a Pastor- Craig Groeschel 4.  Reposition Yourself-...

Fabricated Followers of Christ

Psychologically, did you know that most people have a belief system that someone else gave them?  In other words, they were programmed in such a way, good or bad, that as they grow, they just practice other peoples’ personal convictions (I could give you a list)...

Borrow A Page

That’s exactly what University of Florida football coach Urban Meyer said after the BCS championship; “We may borrow a page from Oklahoma’s offense.”  That’s exactly what we do in the ministry as leaders; I’ve done it all my life!...

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