For Other Planters

As we journey in to 3 days and counting, I notice a gentle peace in my heart.  We’ve had all the 20 months of preparation, planning, praying, visioncasting, launch-team building, and now it’s time to deliver the baby.  If it begins as HIS idea, then it...

6 Days Away From Launch

We had a great, final launch team meeting last night……the energy was high, the spirit of God moved in, and the emotion of out team coming together for a calling such as this is overwhelming.  We all feel privileged to be a part of something of this...

10 Days Away From Launch

It’s an interesting journey of feeling and faith, for sure.  I can tell you, that we are tired of planning…I can tell you it has been exhilirating getting to this point…I can tell you it’s the toughest work any person would ever do…I can...

Schedule For Launch Weeks

As we get ready to launch on April 5, we need everybody to mark their calendars for the following: Sunday, March 29- Launch Team Planning Meeting- 6:00 p.m. @ The Ringgold Depot March 30-April 3- Put our Road Signs all over the area for launch day (it will take all of...

Needs Leading Into Launch

Wanted to mention that we have an availble link at Target for our children’s ministry items we need to provide a nice and attractive children’s environment. Please use this link to send to family or friends who might want to be a part of this opportunity....

Will It Be a Success?

Many have been praying for us and with us for a successful launch.  Good question.  This question helps us really define success for this baby church.  Here is success for us:  To see a life changed for Jesus and added value to one person.  I love Kristin...

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