Every Man Needs to Hear This

Go to: http://www.northpoint.org/messages and scroll through until you get to “The Man I Want to Be.”  Listen or watch Sean Seay bring a great message for men.  Here are the highlights…….. Life seems to be getting in the way of my dreams. Every...

2 Special Little Girls

Congrats Melonie Melonie is 16 and was inducted into the National Beta Club last night!  Melonie works hard, studies hard, and has sooo many gifts and talents.  She wouldn’t tell you, but she can play any instrument by ear and can “go” in the singing...

Family Ministry #4 (From Think Orange)

Integrating Your Team Our church shifted to an integrated family ministry strategy and combined our preschool, elementary, teens, and college ministers into one cohesive leadership team. Hold weekly meetings with an agenda and rotating participation: It is important...

Family Ministry #3 (From Think Orange)

Parents don’t lie in bed at night wondering about the topic the pastor will speak about on Sunday.  They don’t even lie in bed at night thinking about God.  They lie in bed thinking mostly about their kids.  Our teenagers should be a part of our volunteer...

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