Warfare Continues

Jeff Gonzalez, Executive Pastor at Origin Church, and I were in an hour long conversation yesterday and decompressing over the challenges, the pains, the toughness of our lives right now as we plant a new church and we basically just unloaded our poison together and...

Church Planter Reminder

Our new friend Kristen Avery said it well; “If your new church starts and it’s just one family that God had in mind to be impacted by the church, then you have done what God asked you to do.”  We often forget the obedience factor, the bigger picture...

We’re Aware @ Origin

Oftentimes church and church people are so judgmental.  I’m one of those that has been around church all my life, but have been rarely impressed.  I can even remember when I was younger and going, I was often bored to death.  I knew there had to be the real,...

Getting Ready

We have been working on the launch of a new church for 17 months.  Our team is projecting an April launch which would have been a total of 20 months of preparation.  God has been good!  We have a GREAT group of launch team coming together (love these people), a place...

The Movement Is On

We sense God at work in N.W. Georgia and Chattanooga……we are launching Origin Church this year and, my, the outpouring we have already experienced!  Our launch team continues to expand and the interest level continues to enlarge from families and couples...

The Best Team

We’ve got a launch team coming together with some of the most gifted, talented, and diverse individuals I have ever been around.  Team, Kim and I are loving getting to know you, walk alongside of you, and enjoying the thought of building a work together that...

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