About Shane

Shane Craven knew from a young age that ministry of some sort would be in his future. He surrendered to the call in 1989 and became a lead pastor in 1991. He has pastored churches in Georgia, Tennessee, and Florida for more than 25 years. His rich experience provides a proven track record of helping churches turn it all around. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Sociology from The University of Georgia and a master’s degree from Immanuel Theological Seminary.

About Shane

Shane has a unique gift for knowing and understanding churches and what they are doing well and not well, and he always has a solution for how to help them thrive. He has a passion for adding value to anyone God places in his path, and his vast network of relationships with leaders, resources, and companies will help bring added value to the ministries with which he works.

This call to impact the kingdom remains the same for Shane no matter what he does related to ministry; writing, teaching, preaching, leading, encouraging, or playing. 
Shane enjoys college football, dating his wife of 30 years, traveling, snow skiing, being somewhere on a beach, restaurants, and spending time with his family, especially his two new grandchildren, Aniston and Cash. He is most proud of the fact that his three grown children still love to come home!


Added Value

Shane has a unique gift for knowing and understanding churches and what they are doing well and not well, and he always has a solution for how to help them thrive. He has a passion for adding value to anyone God places in his path, and his vast network of relationships with leaders, resources, and companies will help bring added value to the ministries with which he works.

This call to impact the kingdom remains the same for Shane no matter what he does related to ministry; writing, teaching, preaching, leading, encouraging, or playing. 
Shane enjoys college football, dating his wife of 30 years, traveling, snow skiing, being somewhere on a beach, restaurants, and spending time with his family, especially his two new grandchildren, Aniston and Cash. He is most proud of the fact that his three grown children still love to come home!

Next Great Chapter

“It has been well said not to limit what God may want for you and your future. It will not be determined by your age or stage in life, nor by your location or vocation in life. God is not bound by appearances of limitation. He is Sovereign. I am filled with gratitude to continue working hard to hear from and listen to the Father as His nail-pierced hand points me toward this next great chapter.”

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