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I Drive Your Truck

This Thanksgiving week, I want to pay attention to emotions, happy ones, sad ones, good ones, and not-so-good ones that are underneath the iceberg of our lives and create a person of growth, experience, and emotional intelligence. Ultimately, recognizing them needs to...

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This Gypsy Life

Two things have inspired me this week: 1) Symbols and 2) Vince Gill! I know a few things for sure but not many. I know that friends, coaches, consultants, counselors, therapists, parents, pastors, songwriters, Bible, and environments help us live our life either...

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I Have Some New Beliefs About Myself

Ian Crohn, lecturer and teacher of the Enneagram has a famous line, “what helped you in the morning of life constricts and kills you in the afternoon of life.” Everyone has a story…yours is still being written. True and enduring change can happen through your story...

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Generational Curses

Generational Curses

I am very blessed to come from an immediate and extended family that has enjoyed “gathering” through the years on both sides-making memories, enjoying each other, extending lots of love, eating of course, and learning more and more about the generations gone by. Also,...

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Stewarding Ourselves

Stewarding Ourselves

This word, "Steward," has been on my mind for the last week and what does it mean? We’ve heard this word in reference to “being a good steward” as it relates to giving financial means back to our Lord, but what does “stewarding” connotate in relation to body, soul,...

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FOMO has been defined as the fear of missing out. Social media is a key component of the promotion of everyone’s “highlight reels.” Reality is rarely, if ever shown. FOMO is everywhere. Men, have to have the next new thing; golf clubs, tv’s, or other gadgets. Women,...

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Childish Adults

Childish Adults

I love to read Ian Cron, a leading teacher on the Enneagram. He’s smart, brilliant, and has a plethora of good communication skills to bring things down to an understandable level. He has fed my soul in recent years and I still have to read and re-read to absorb all...

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Never Enough

Never Enough

It’s taken me years to further understand deficits in my own life; wounds, scars, scratches, holes in my armor...Dr. John Gottman calls them "enduring vulnerabilities." We all have them and they are unavoidable due to the fact that the first generation up from us,...

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