1. Finally found a u-haul truck to purchase so our loading is now easier.  Unfortunately, it did not have a ramp.  We didn’t know till we got it home.  We are looking for a solution.  Fortunately, now, we only have to touch equipment twice in a weekend.  We’ve been moving it four times.  We already feel the relief!
  2. Weather was terrible………..pouring down rain.  We knew it was inevitable that we would have to adjust and learn to unload and load in the rain.  Our team did an outstanding job!  God’s people are problem solvers.
  3. Worship with Chase Gamble was top-shelf!  
  4. We are enjoying watching God work in this new church.
  5. So much to do………need more funding……..need more volunteers. 
  6. Would love to have someone cross our path who felt called to our ministry who does set design.
  7. Who out there would take on a carpentry project for us and build a decent size wooden box?
  8. If you’re an aluminum fabricator, would you have interest in building us a lightweight lecturn?
  9. We are gearing up for a year-end school push for our Family Ministry.
  10. June and July we plan for our August Grand Opening!  We launched, now we grand open with four weeks of celebration during the most exciting season of the year.
  11. Looking for a graphics/computer/propresenter person who can work media for us.
  12. We have seen life-change just about every Sunday since we started….what it’s all about!

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