These are some thoughts that help me each day:

1.  Don’t compare yourself to other people, ministries, or workplaces. There are always people that have larger churches, do life better, or have more than you do, and this comparison often leads to compromise.  I like what Perry Noble says about this leading us to go against what God has called US to because we perceive that something else should be done.  Zig Ziglar said, You are the only person on this earth who can use your ability.” J. Campbell said, “The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.” Your value is viewed by God by you being WHO you are, not WHAT you do!

2.  Embrace the HOPE of God having big plans for you. Always be open to God’s plan.  I love longevity in ministry, living in a town, or in a job, but God’s call on our lives endears us to be “open” and listening to His voice to be ready to go at a moment’s notice.  In other words, you are here forever and leaving tomorrow.  Always have a suitcase packed in God’s economy.  I have watched Him leave people 30 years in one place and I admire that.  I have also watch Him use people in a perpetual “tour of duty” all over the world every six days, six months, or six years.  All of it is good!

3.  Never Give Up. Sometimes this takes unusual tenacity.  “Oh no, you never let go, through the calm and through the storm.” That song is one of my favorite worship tunes.  If you keep waking up and splashing what you know to do on the wall, something will eventually work in your favor.

4.  Convey Confidence That You Have Plenty to Bring to the Table. If you’ve lived life and experienced life, you have plenty to add to the conversation and to anyone’s life, calling, or career.  Act that way.  Regardless if you have the big job, the big church, the big checking account, you are an asset to this life.  You must believe it and act on it!  Respect everyone, but with humility, go add some value to a life today!

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