Many have been praying for us and with us for a successful launch.  Good question.  This question helps us really define success for this baby church.  Here is success for us:  To see a life changed for Jesus and added value to one person.  I love Kristin Avery’s statement: “If it were for just one family and you only stayed one month, I believe God would have you  go to all the effort you are going to.”  For the first service, we have one goal: to encourage everyone who attends to come back!  That means the music and speaking needs to be dead-on, the environments have to be welcoming, the signage clear, the technical aspects complimentary, and the children safe and loved.  While we will always have room to improve, I think we can accomplish these goals.  Chrystina Fincher will be leading worship on April 5.  She’s fabulous!  She’s a natural!  Join us!

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