Jeff is a big part of what’s happening here at Origin Church.  Jeff is on our lead team and I thought I would let him share some note nuggets of a lunch meeting he and I had this week with our friend Ryan, who happens to have a great mind for the unchurched culture  -Shane

  • People need small simple steps to move them through a process.  Make it easy for people to be a part of what you’re doing.
  • Slower and more intentional methods, in most cases are more productive.  Don’t be afraid to launch later rather than sooner.  We only launch churches, now, in the fall.
  •  It might have more impact to take all your streams of marketing and funnel them into one big week or day prior to launch.  This will give you multiple touches to the public during a concentrated time period prior to launch.  Ex.  Outreach event, mail out, door hangers, radio spot etc.  all hitting in the same week prior to launch.
  • Marketing strategies don’t necessarily translate into higher attendance, but marketing strategies combined with a personal touch can gain connection results.
  • Most marketing strategies are made to in-grain brand awareness into people’s mind. 
  • If you want to, take your target date that you have for launch and launch softly until the fall. 
  • You’ll know when it’s time, because you’ll sense that you can’t-not move to the next stage.
  • I don’t like the word launch.  It has a tendency to discourage you when you should be encouraged.  Call it “delivering a baby” simply because it’s the next step after laboring in prior stages.  How about at every stage we think this thought: “We are practicing for the next new season.”

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