A good friend of mine once said when asked how you get over the tragic pains of this life, to which he replied, “T.I.M.E.”  No doubt about it.  If we have it available, it is a grand healer to us.  If it is not available, some healing goes undone.  One thing is for sure, we all have the same amount of time in a day.  Some do good with it, others complain about it, and still yet, some act as if their time is more important than others.  Here’s my thought:  Squeeze all you can out of a day because you will have forever to rest.  I love that Tim McGraw line, “I went skydiving, I went rocky mountain climbing, 2.7 seconds, on a bull named Fu Man Chu.”  As far as planting a church, the workload is outrageous……..however, who am I to complain?  Let’s be thankful we have a mission today.  If we can all just delete from our minds, the fabricated success “bar” and weigh what we do in smaller increments…………like, just go add value to someone today!  The launch of our churches will take care of themselves.  Don’t bite the apple of numbers!  It’s a liar!  Trust me!  Enjoy this reminder!


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