• As a pastor & leader of people I feel a great burden to give life my best shot and to model this behavior before others, but I am afraid that in the name of modeling for the world what a “good pastor” looks like, I most often do as other pastors do and just tell you most of the good stuff; The highs; The awards; The victories.
  • Consequently, when a new church planter or a leader that’s been around for a while sees ALL OF THIS SUCCESS, they wonder WTH is wrong with them because their life doesn’t look like that, so…let me just take a few seconds out to confess some things to you so that you see my life is hard. Very hard. High highs w/ lows low.
  • My wife and I have been in a bit of a rut this week (and last). I have been SUPER BUSY and have not been fully present with her, kids, house.
  • I am a terrible grad student. Period. Aptitude is not my problem. I find it boring. I’m busy and it often seems like a major waste of time.
  • I am in terrible physical condition. I use some lingering injuries as an excuse not to work out. Although I have pain – I hate working out.
  • I’m broke. Church planting is the opposite of lucrative and I spent all I had to launch Courageous Church. Proud of that, but it’s tough.
  • Our church is growing in every way possible, but will have to have some very tough layoffs soon. This breaks my heart. Epitome of suck.
  • Found out a friend of mine whose family I love has been divorced for a few weeks.
  • I say all of that to say that my life has ups and downs and takes a ton of hard work. On Twitter, etc. we sometimes make things look…. Easy with words when in reality things were really hard. I hope you see a more balanced me and appreciate it. Much love.   -Shaun King, pastor, Courageous Church

Thanks Shaun.  You described it well on behalf of all of us as church planters!

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