1.  As pastors, we so often take personally, lack of attendance on a Sunday, as if we are the reason people didn’t show up……we’re not that important!  There are many other elements as to why we have a low Sunday.

2.  Risk is worth it.  Church planters understand this.  It’s ok if it doesn’t get off the ground. Faithfulness is all that is required of you.  Your ministry peers and even mentors might not understand this and could often deem you as a failure……very unfortunate and untrue.

3.  I believe God has far different evaluation processes than we do regarding our success for Him.

4.  Two voices speak to us every day; 1) Do whatever you want, your way.  2) Follow Jesus. Our choice.

5.  We have to lose our lives to gain them.  That could mean all our money, all our time, all our sacrifice, all our dreams, all our comforts, all our choices, and you get the picture.

6.  Warfare is very forgotten.  We often quit when it gets tough.  If the enemy can’t bring you down through drugs, alcohol, immorality, or impropriety, then guess what’s next:  Your family.  Do not fear when it’s uncomfortable at home.  Dig in, go back to Ephesians 6, and wait on God; keep moving!  It’s a part of you signing on as a green beret Christian long ago! Count your blessings- most Christians do not ever have the luxury of realizing they are moving heaven and hell at the same time.  God bless you!

7.  Most pastors can get discouraged quickly on a Sunday afternoon and Monday morning. No reason to, IF, you spoke the truth of the gospel on Sunday, did all you knew to do, and you feel you are where you need to be today.  It’s not your deal, it’s His!  Rest in that.

8.  The addition of extra money can bring on quick relief and immediate change in demeanor, however, the lack of money will create longer term growth in Jesus which we all need to sustain our faith to the end.

9.  Never pack up the equipment until the game is over.

10.  If you can keep hope alive, and can convey it, regardless of your circumstance, you have mastered life!

11.  You can change anything, including your genetic foul-ups……..it takes 21 days to make a habit.  Start with a list today and change what you want.  It will hurt, but it will be worth it.

12.  Large numbers or small numbers don’t necessarily indicate God’s will for you.  It’s much bigger than that.

13.  You are “created in the image of God” meaning you are made for success regardless if you fail……failure never determines WHO you are, UNLESS, you give up!  As long as you are still in the game, you are a winner!!!!!!!  So get back up, limp if need be, take both hands and pick your leg up over the saddle, and ride on; fight on; press on toward the mark!!!

I needed all of this myself!

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