We’ve got a lot going on as we get ready to move from a development phase of our church plant to a launch team phase.  Let me just throw out what I’m thinking:

  • Transition- I’ve never enjoyed it
  • Packing
  • Working on Systems for Origin- never ending
  • Feel like I need to be working 24/7
  • Exhausted
  • Tons to do
  • Where will all the funding come from?
  • Where will we get a launch team?
  • What about staffing?
  • Will miss Gainesville friends
  • Looking forward to being closer to family
  • Economy is terrible
  • Fired up about all that is falling into place
  • Got an amazing band ready to go
  • Got venue #2 in a nearby city to Ringgold almost secured-  a cool, cool place!
  • I’ve seen what phase 3 of our church will look like- can’t wait
  • Adding new partners to Origin Church everyday
  • Most churches want nothing to do with church-planting
  • Pete is creating all of our portable environments-  an amazing innovator!
  • Got some new partnerships in development
  • Brand new school for the kids
  • Uncertainty
  • Sad, glad all in one emotion
  • How, when, where?
  • Excited
  • Loving what I see our church becoming
  • We need some family time
  • Keep adding value to people’s lives
  • Thank you power is in force
  • Always look for the good things
  • One day at a time- a little bit of faith/whole lot of patience
  • God is able!

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