Eternity can put into perspective the life we now live.  For instance, the further you get away from something you did twenty years ago, the less you remember the details.  The short 60 or 70 years we have on this earth is often taken too seriously; for instance, we worry, we don’t think we are sure of God’s will, we feel like every decision has to be so definite, and really, if we are doing God’s work, we are in God’s will. Just go add value to people everyday.  The two things that will matter during those eternal years are:  1) Did you make a decision to cross the line of faith and follow Jesus?  2)  Did you share that news with as many people as you could?  That is what the difference is in making this a life that counts and one that doesn’t.  We just need to be open and ready to respond at God’s call…let’s stop making success man-made and go realize our department and calling for the kingdom.  It will help us put into clarity why we are here.

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