God called me to pastor Tower Church in Gainesville, FL in October of 2004.  We had a large dream to reach the unreached people of Gainesville.  The dream was alive!  God went to work, oftentimes in different ways than I would have ever thought to achieve His outcome.  God has a way of making organizations healthy so they can be ready to launch forward.  He did that with us at Tower Church.  We had a great journey!

In July of 2007, God began to burn a truth inside of me stating that His assignment for me was just about complete.  Little did I know that Ezekial 28 would get a hold of me and we began to feel God calling us back toward our homeland to launch a new church for people that don’t go to church or don’t like church, back in Northwest Georgia near Chattanooga, TN, and more specifically, Ringgold, GA.  During this transition, between July and December of 2007, the Tower leadership team (Vernest LeGree, Don Thomas, Dewitt Hughes, Amy Jo Coffey, Donna Stilwell, and Cindy Hughes) rose to the occasion!  They really wanted to see Tower Church progress to the next level and do something even greater!  They initiated and had discussions with Ed Young and Fellowship Church and even got in touch with Northpoint Community Church and Andy Stanley to let them know that they would like to be a part of the type ministries they were experiencing.  Tower leadership knew that both of these guys’ ministry philosophies and proven track records to impact unchurched and unreached people were ministries that they would love to be a part of.  God seemed to be up to something!  Conversations and meetings would continue. 

Ironically, across town, a Godly young leader, Chad Clemons, whom I had gotten to know, wanted to do the same thing, and they had recently sold their building to relocate.  I sensed something deep down on the inside saying that they needed to come together with Tower as one and do the same work.  Tower Church had the building, Christ Central Church had some funding.  That happened and Tower Church and Christ Central Church became Anthem Church as a strategic partner with Andy Stanley’s church, Northpoint Community Church in late 2007. 

Chad is an amazing friend, a real Christian, and a fabulous leader! Chad and I both stand in awe of the greatness of God’s grace in bringing two independent congregations together for one mission.  This new journey for Anthem is deeply embedded in the Craven hearts.  In fact, we are honored to have Anthem Church as a partner in our new work, Origin Church.  We are so amazed at how God works when KINGDOM comes first!  We have so many close friends at Anthem Church!  God is moving in a large way in Gainesville, FL! 

Yesterday, we had the privilege to be in attendance for their inaugural Launch Sunday….a fantastic day, to say the least!  It didn’t occur to me until late Saturday night what I am about to share with you.  Deja vue: We are staying in the same hotel we stayed in four years ago in a room that is the exact layout of the room we stayed in four years ago on the same eve before I would preach my first message and become the pastor of Tower Church.  Additionally, Anthem is launching on the same Sunday of October that I became the pastor of Tower Church exactly four years ago.  Coincidence!  Maybe…I don’t think so.

Stop by Anthem when you are in Gainesville!  The renovations, remodeling, and redecorations are out of this world…totally over the top!  Great job and hats off to everyone involved…a once in a lifetime experience!  You are history in the making!

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