From Chris Showers, one of the Origin Crew:

The Sunday that the church handed out the bags to give out to families of tornado victims Jessica and I took a bunch of bags and never got a chance to meet and hand them out until Monday.  We were both off of work and we made some time to go and hand them out. We met some wonderful people along the way.  I wanted to share with you a couple of stories:

1.  I really felt like there were some houses close to me that could use the help. So after some prayer we went to some of the houses around here. The first house we stopped at was an elderly man who lost his rental house during the storm and was needing all the help he could get…

2.  Ever since the storms, I really have had a burden for one of the houses and the people I knew did not know Christ so I told Jessica that I really wanted to stop at this house and they weren’t home, so, we left a note saying “God Bless You! We Love You and we are praying for you!” We left a few bags on the porch and left.

3.  Then thanks to one guy at one of the houses, we found out we weren’t really that far from Cherokee Valley Road.  We had a few bags left so we went there to finish up. We stopped at a house where the father of the daughter who lost their entire house, was working on a garage while others were working on the house, so we talked to him for about 20-30 mins and had a good coversation about the Lord and how wonderful he is.

4.  And the last but definitely most rewarding: We didn’t receive anything but a blessing from being there. Jessica had a house near her place that she had a burfen for so we took the last two bags there.  It was a couple that has nothing but a big heart. A couple that gives back to others. A couple that will feed 30-40 people on Thanksgiving and Christmas because they have no where else to go. It was so amazing to see that their once garage was now their living space until they get the house completely done.

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