Do we need anymore?  No, we don’t need just “anymore,” but apparently we need a different kind.  Shane, how do I get over being upset when someone launches a new church right near me?  Well, first of all, that attitude is a lack of Kingdom-mindedness.  Secondly, you need them and they need you.  We’re in the same army!  Thirdly, none of us can do it all.  Shane, should I launch or be a part of a launch?  Personally, I think too many guys launch churches without considering their gift-mix.  It’s not easy, it’s messy.  It’s not glamourous, it’s sketchy.  We do need to plant and launch new churches but sometimes, those that are considering launching, should join their effort with another.  They just fit better in that context.  Their giftedness is better suited.  Run from launching; if you can’t do anything else, then launch one.  If you can, then go there! 

Shane, should we plant churches in a town where there are others launching?  Think about it this way: If there are 700 churches in a town of 350,000.  We know that on the small scale, 80% are plateaued or declining.  So, that means there is some growth with at least 140.  However, the average church runs less than 100.  We also know that 80% of people do not attend anywhere, which is about 280,000 people.  Just shrink that down to 180,000 people who don’t attend, for the small-scale sake.  Come on now, you tell me if we need to plant new churches!  Church attendance is shrinking everyday and the population is increasing!

We do know that new churches reach more unreached people faster; great news!  However, what if the new churches alone assume that they could reach 10% of the 180,000 people?  That would be 18,000 people.  Now, how many churches do you know that have 18,000 in attendance?  Very few!  Now, if all the new churches had attendance of 400, which very few do, at least for some time, that would mean we need 45 new churches today to even tap the 10% that don’t go (which is very low).  That’s without even taking into consideration the continued population growth.  It’s not very often that you hear of 45 new church plants launching in the same city…much less a city of one million people where we would need twice the 45.  It needs to happen!  WE NEED NEW CHURCHES POPPING UP NEXT DOOR TO EACH OTHER ALL OVER THIS COUNTRY, IF, we are going to reduce lostness! 

BTW, every church that has ever existed has it’s OWN DNA.  Why do you think we have burger joints across the street from each other?  We are all different and we all fit in different arenas.  Same for unchurched people…Just a thought!

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