Sen. Kennedy has surgery today for a brain tumor.  He has assembled one of the best brain surgeons in the land at Duke University.  You know why?  The article says that he selected this surgeon because he is one of the “thought leaders” in his field.  I like that: “Thought leaders.”  I wonder if we could apply that to our churches?  Are we “thought leaders” or do we act as Mark Batterson says, and “do ministry more out of memory than out of imagination?”  There is no doubt that all of us were born, “created in the image of God,” therefore we must have some creative genius inside of our image, because God himself is the great imagineer, the great creator, and the great thought leader.  Think and think again and again and again!  There are things that have never been done, yet, in your church, your family, and your business that you should develop out of your own creative thought-leading mind!!  God wants to give us something fresh if we will just listen.  Others will be impacted as you have been by their creative thought-leading minds.  Why not right now?


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