We are ready!  Please reserve your FREE tickets to the launch of Origin Church on Sunday, April 5 @ 10:30 a.m. in downtown Ringgold, GA.  Go to our website at www.originchurch.tv for a map and RSVP right here today: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=52924236407&ref=ts

After you RSVP, please email us at:  originchurch@gmail.com and let us know how many tickets you will need.  Children don’t need tickets…..no one will be turned away, of course, but this will greatly help us plan for this big day!  Thanks in advance!

Use the above link and send it to all your local friends that might have interest in a church for the bad, the broken, and the bored.  We’ll change the way they think about church!

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