Robert Powell won over $12M dollars in the Florida lottery recently and took home $6M.  He was ready and prepared to drop $600,000 into the offering plate at his Baptist church in Florida, as a tithe, but the church refused it due to the fact that I assume they view it as “tainted.” 

First of all, Robert, we’re launching a new church for people who don’t go to church, which is about 80% of our area, and we will be happy to be in receipt of your $600,000 gift!!!!

Second of all, come on……Bill Stafford said it years ago when asked the same question:  “Sure we’ll receive it.  It’s been in the hands of the devil long enough.”  That’s one way of looking at it, but let me give you some other ways.  ALL of EVERY resource is God’s!  He made it, created it, and is in the process of handling all dollars.  I’m sure God Himself will be happy to have some of His resources voluntarily submitted back into His kingdom. 

Remember, all churches receive financial gifts each week from men who are into gluttony….all churches receive financial gifts each week from women who are into adultery…all churches receive financial gifts each week from students who are drunkards…all churches receive financial gifts each week from people who acquired the green from a dishonest business deal.  Every church does this very willingly and they never look back!

We don’t think through things.  I am amazed at inconsistent hypocrisy and we wonder why this generation dislikes church!

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