The word “famine” in Genesis 26 literally means “recession.”  They are all throughout the scripture.  During economic downturns, we do one of two things: We hide and hold, or we face and place ourselves in a position to be blessed.  This is not time to hoard your “stuff.”  This is a time to give, sow seed, and invest into God’s kingdom.  Famine was in the land in Isaacs life.  God told Isaac not to bail out on Him but to stay put.  Notice what Isaac did during this famine: Isaac obeyed all of God’s requirements, commands, decrees, and instructions.  He gave of himself, invested offerings in God’s work, and God blessed him a hundred times more than he planted, in the same year.  God can do and will do the same thing in today’s world!  Look at this downturn as an eye-opener and God’s free gift to you.  It’s to get yours and my attention.  It looks bad, but it’s really good if we allow it to drive us to faithfulness and obedience, because, on the other side, is his blessing.  This is the way God does things!  What about you?  Are you living in fear?  If so, stop today!  God has Genesis 26 in mind for you; He’s setting you up for success.  Now, go get to sowing seed in a ministry that God has His hand on!

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