Latest PostsThe Faithful Continue
During challenging economic times, studies show that God's people don't really flinch and continue to "give," oftentimes more than they were giving. I think people, in general, begin to realize how quickly "it" can come and go and the right thing to do is to make...
Dave Foster in Nashville
Dave Foster pastors The Gathering in Franklin, TN. While at Catalyst this year, Kim and I ran into he and his wife and had a conversation. I have known him from the distance through the years. It was my privilege to visit with Dave this week and, my, what a guy!...
Church of Irresistible Influence Day2
6 out of 10 Americans believe the church is irrelevant. One out of three pastors believes the church is making a positive impact on the culture. Since the chasm between church and culture is so great, many pastors resort to "fallback methodologies:" Be Culturally...
A Church of Irresistible Influence
I am going to be outlining Robert Lewis' book, The Church of Irresistible Influence, over the next several blogs. Serving our community is one of our major-league core values here at Origin. I want to answer why it is so important. Origin Team, this is why we were...
Church Planters, Relate?
This article by Steve Sjogren about his journey in planting a church is worth the repeat. It's happened to all of us!
Launching a New Church
Each vision must be preserved. A church launcher should have no interest in sacrificing the vision in exchange for people in the seats. Sure, that would be nice, but many times, new churches attract already reached people who have an agenda, for something they believe...
Coolness or lack of it, has never been the catalyst that makes God move! I've always been a renegade, not just being a part of something because everybody was, but sifting it through my own heart and doing what God led me to do. Ladies and gentlemen, if you are a...
Launch Process Continues
We moved our launch team gathering to the Ringgold Depot last night. Had some acoustic music, discussion, sharing, visioncasting, good food, and some great new people! BTW, a great community of people is building here in Ringgold, GA - Chattanooga, TN! This group...
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