Latest PostsGod Looks At Success Differently Than We Always Have
"Shouldn't the church find more faithful ways of measuring its success? Mercy instead of membership? Forgiveness instead of financial contributions? Baptisms lived in the world instead of baptisms recorded in a book? Justice instead of just stats?" Hello!!!...
Churches Be Encouraged!
A poor economy doesn't always mean less cash for the collection plate, according to a study by the Christian research group Empty Tomb Inc., which found that in six recessions since 1968, donations by church members declined in three and increased in three. God has...
If you are 72.5 Years Old
If a person is 72.5 years old, they can no longer leave their money in an IRA without taking mandatory withdrawals. They can give, without being taxed, directly from their IRA to the church up to $100K for the next two years. If you know someone, pass this word...
Concentrate on the ONE Who Gave the Bible
The Bible giver's heart, attitude, genuineness, and lack of condemnation, will ALWAYS get the attention of people who don't like church, don't like God, or who've just given up on the whole thing. It's exactly what we're all about at Origin Church. Saw this on Vince...
Dave Ramsey on Practices
Dear Dave, As a Christian, I always give to my church. I was wondering if you think it's okay to also give to local causes, such as animal shelters, scholarship funds and other things. Annie Dear Annie, Certainly, it's okay. I think people should give to lots of...
Sometimes getting a crowd to fill our event makes it look successful, but it's really not!
Launch Team Generosity
This goes out to our launch teamers and their GENEROSITY these 5 months! Everybody is beginning to tithe and give, already, and this is the kind of culture of generosity this church will be founded upon. I can tell you, God has special plans in store for you and...
Trying to Help
It's been our pleasure this Christmas season at Origin Church to respond in generosity to a big need for a former Georgia State Highway Patrolman who lost his home two Sundays ago to a fire, while his family was attending church. As we give, God lives more deeply...
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