After 20 years almost as a pastor or in ministry of some sort, I have become aware of some of the idiosyncrasies of many “churchy” people.  Here are a few thoughts from the years:

  1. Most people are fickle.  If something better comes along, they’re gone.
  2. Most people gossip.  If they can lower someone else to elevate themselves, they will.
  3. Very few people know how to apologize.
  4. God will eventually get your attention.
  5. Many pastors are less than impressive.  (selfish, don’t return calls, only concerned with their kingdom, critical, proud)
  6. Tradition is more important than truth to most.   They just don’t know it.
  7. Even Godly people will make something up about you.
  8. People are people wherever you go.  They practice the same good and bad all over the world.
  9. People will believe a lie faster than they will facts.
  10. Powerless people in everyday life like to be in charge at church; powerful people don’t have time to be in charge at church.
  11. If you try to defend yourself against your critics, you will become inauthentic.  
  12. Successful people can become unsuccessful over night and vice versa.  
  13. Pastors think they are defined by how many people are in their church.  How stupid!
  14. Kids need both parents.
  15. Many put on their best “plastic” on Sunday mornings.  Why do you do this?  Don’t!

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