People are people and folk are folk, no matter what accent they may have, skin color, or nationality. It’s an interesting study to realize that, IF, and He did, “create all of us in the image of God” then we have greatness inside- We ALL do! With that in mind, it seems to me that if one of us has discovered this principle for ourselves and we’re on the journey to realize our FULL potential, then we should help as many people as we can also discover this great truth. God has been teaching me that we must go back to the basics of friendship with EVERYONE we meet, get into their lives, care, love them like they are, and SHOW them what we’ve discovered and HOW it has affected our present life and HOW we feel it is going to impact our future life. Then, it’s still their choice. No more making people change, no more condemning people to change, no more judgemental attitude to get people to change; just LOVE. It’ll do the job! We need the community of EACH other. It’s powerful stuff! Even then, it’s still their choice just like a nice presentation of food on the table in front of us is still up to us whether we partake or not. What if they don’t partake? Just keep loving them, caring for them, and being a real friend. Nothing changes!