One of the things church planters cannot do without are financial partners.  The new church has to be supported for several years from the outside, simply because the foundation takes 3-5 years to build.  It’s a pretty amazing journey in this area, because so many great people get involved and “get it” and yet so many friends and churches do not get involved.  It’s not just giving money, contrary to what some may believe.  It’s an investment in something that will multiply itself and outlive us all.  It’s a belief in a person.  It’s been said that church planting is for the called, God’s best, and green-berets of leadership.  A strong sacrifice takes place for the families of those who plant a church- if you only knew.  I’ve seen some of God’s choice servants launch and plant churches, yet they are often under-funded.  It’s not for the weak or the faint-hearted, for sure.  Here is what I have seen thus far:

  • God will use people to invest in the work that you didn’t think of
  • God will send people to invest in the work that you haven’t seen in years
  • God will give you just enough to get by
  • Some people will make commitments, even in writing, and you never see the first support check
  • Most pastors are too busy in their own work to see the movement that they could be a part of in church planting
  • The pastor friends closest to you, for whatever reason, do not become financial partners
  • God has ways
  • God will use pastors that you didn’t know very well to invest in the new work
  • The miraculous happens before your very eyes
  • The journey of faith that church planting requires is a faith journey that very few in life get to experience-  It is so amazing!
  • Ask
  • God will cross your path with people that will get involved if you are sensitive to every meeting
  • Every and any church could give $100 month
  • Church planters are very grateful people
  • Every church planter has experienced the above

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