Our team has been on the road most Sundays visiting other church plants……….it has been a real treat!  I have never had the opportunity to be in so many different churches.  It’s really shown me that strategic evaluation should be a large system in our churches.  We’ve learned a lot!  What I mean is, get out of your church and go visit, and you will come back with a better view of your own ministry.  What happens is, what we do works for a good while, and we keep doing the same thing, because it’s comfortable and our people seem to embrace it, but, it slowly and surely becomes ineffective and we don’t even know it.  Things in our world change everyday in small increments because generations are changing.  The only way to see it, is to get away from your own church.  You will then become more effective.  Keep this in mind:  Don’t ever say, “It’s just not me.”  It is you, IF, it means adding value and reaching people.  I like Vince Antonucci’s statement:  “We’ll do anything short of sin to reach people.”

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