Question:  I wonder why we don’t book many speakers for conferences who are not “big-timers?  Joseph was a gifted leader and Christian who was on a journey and had not been publicly noticed, much.  He would be used mightily of God.  The leader that has never been booked has not yet accomplished what the big-timers have, but will…..He or she is gifted, called, anointed, has a promise, touched and has the “it” factor.  God is all over this person, but God has chosen to keep them to Himself at this point.  Somehow, I think we all feel that to have a “good” conference there has to be a list of drawing card names.  In other words, what if we came from an angle of looking to put in the mix, a leader that is being prepared for what he’s being prepared for?

In other words, the “what” of this person has yet to be fully defined, but the “who” of this person is a first round draft pick.  They are out there!  Wouldn’t it be a neat thought to catch these leaders on their way to great things instead of waiting until they do great things?  Matter of fact, how do you know if they have not already done great things?  They have!  Every value every person adds to a life for the cause of eternity is a great thing!  The call and ministry of each individual is not predicated upon some type of minor league baseball system, hoping to get to “move up” to bigger engagements. What you do right where you are is as noticed and rewarded by God, our Father, as the highly visible.  I notice that many times our conferences have become a show and tell of who can do “it” the best and we wear these guys out all over the nation and even the world.

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