(Read this and then my comment below will make sense)
Tell you what I’ve found: Not only is what Carlos writing true, if necessary, God will remove all of your “trappings” to show you you that you are no longer identified with anything you thought gave you identity….then, I’ve noticed, you have two choices; you can either be depressed and believe that you are a loser (which is a lie) or you DECIDE to choose to believe what HE says about you, and then, for the rest of your life, no matter what comes your way, you constantly tell yourself that your identity is made up in these things:
1. Add value to somebody everyday.
2. If God doesn’t answer a prayer like you wanted it answered, He always has something better.
3. You declare and choose everyday whether you are content and happy. It’s a train your mind thing.
4. There is “Thank You” power. Every closed door and open door is a thank you to God. There’s a reason.
5. You believe and declare that God is putting people around you, right now, that will add value to your life and make your dreams come true.
6. Repeat constantly the promises of God’s word that He says about you. Get them in your mind and heart, repetitively, and it won’t be long before you believe it.