In planting a new church, I’ve discovered there are some common misconceptions worth “busting:”

1. Myth: Outside friends and organizations cover all expenses for the first couple of years.
Fact: There are a few visionary families around the U.S. who will partner with launching churches like ours serious enough to leverage their own relationships, time, and resources. They are generous, to be sure, but there is a limit to their resources.

2. Myth: God would never allow a new church to close.
Fact: 80% of new church plants do not make it.  Number one reason?  Underfunding.  Others and the local church body have to be ready to make huge sacrifices to make it work.

3. Myth: Staff salaries at Origin are paid by individuals and other organizations.
Fact: Each staff member at Origin depends on the generous giving of this local church to provide for their family and if that funding is not available, they have to raise their own support from outside sources and generous friends, and/or work another job to make it all work.

4. Myth: A handful of generous benefactors are all that are needed to sustain the church.
Fact: That would not be healthy for the church or for the benefactor.

5. Myth: My tithe doesn’t make that much of a difference.
Fact: It makes a huge difference in your spiritual life and in the financial health of our church. If we had 75 families at Origin tithing 10%, we would not need any additional funding!

6. Myth: Now that we’re about to be up and running, our environments are relatively inexpensive to maintain.
Fact: Much of our equipment is rented, or leased-to-own. Our ongoing expenses for equipment, facilities, and personnel run about $30,000 per month. Holding services every Sunday will increase that number.

We would love to have you join us on this journey! It’s been exciting to see a number of families make commitments to join this journey and we’re looking forward to a strong 2009. Please consider what you might be able to give!

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