I love that Rascal Flatts song, “Life is a Highway.”  No doubt about it; it takes some twists and turns.  Some we can seemingly control, others we have no clue.  Overall, we really have NO control, IF, we believe God has the whole world in His hands. He’s so huge, large, and in-charge, that He can do anything He wants to.  Our choices do dictate many of our outcomes. However, one of the unchanging, no-doubt, underlying scarlet threads that run through every choice, good or bad that we make, is the fact that God will NEVER turn his back on anyone; NEVER!  His love never changes for us!  Pretty awesome. Here’s an acrostic that might make some sense.


S – ensitive —  Life is very much a vapor, the Bible says.  It’s here today, gone tomorrow.  We must take advantage of every minute.  We have a lady in our church in her 60’s that was in a terrible automobile accident that told us, “Before the wreck I was living by the day, but after the wreck I started learning to live by the seconds.” What she means is, every breath counts!!!

U – ndeniable —  Life can be yours for the asking!  All you have to do is ask Jesus to live His life through you.  It all starts with a relationship with Jesus Christ; it all ends with a future-forever with Jesus Christ.  It can’t get any better than that!  God designed it where anybody and everybody could experience the abundant, rewarding, and awesome peace of this life, with sins forgiven and another life to gain one day in heaven.  Hey, He even made it where we could all continue experiencing this kind of peace even through hellish times that come our way.

X – ylophone–  A xylophone is a noun; it is a musical instrument consisting of a graduated series of wooden bars, usually sounded by striking with small wooden hammers.  Kind of reminds me of a dock.  You can walk out on a large wooden dock and your feet decide our each sound that results from each different piece of plank.  None of them are the same and none of them are cut just exactly alike.  Life is like that.  Different events serve as the wooden hammer on us that can cause us to make good sounds or bad sounds;  we either look for the positive in everything or we always look for the negative; we either give up or keep on going.  It sometimes becomes a test of endurance.

Hey, whatever we are all going through today, and believe me, everybody has some kind of cross to bear, admit it, be authentic about it, talk about it, be transparent about it, BUT, “don’t stop thinking about tomorrow.” Live by the seconds; squeeze all the good out of a day you can find.  You’ll only find what you let your mind dictate.  There’s tons of stuff we ALL have to be thankful for!

God is good!

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