As we enter a Friday, which happens to be a “good” one in the life of a believer, you can rest assured that you most likely have been in-grained with some inconsistencies about God’s desire(s) for you. I find that in speaking to friends all over the world, that we ALL have a tainted view of God therefore resulting in a tainted view throughout life.
Here’s what I mean: If you look at God the wrong way, you look at events, change, tragedy, downturns, fiascos, rough times, and bad news the wrong way. So, we must change the way we see God and the way we understand that He sees us.
The ONLY thing we are defined by is this weekends celebrated event: The CROSS and The RESURRECTION! That means that since Jesus Christ died for you, He loves you forever, regardless, unconditionally, and NOTHING can change that. And, since one of our greatest needs in this life is to be accepted, then mark it down, YOU are accepted by the most lovable and lovingly-perfected person in all the universe- Jesus Christ, REGARDLESS. You don’t have to earn that because you can’t!
I read a statement recently that said, “Your circumstances may change you, but they don’t have to reduce you.” YES! Don’t let them. You are still the same person, striving to be in God’s will, striving to do great things, striving to take care of your family, striving to do it right, striving to get back up after you fall, and, IF, you follow Christ as your Savior, you are going to spend forever in eternity with HIM.
The resurrection (the fact that HE raised Himself from the dead after 3 days) proves His strength, His love for you, and His ability to move in any situation you are experiencing right now. Here’s our main challenge: We don’t really believe He exists; we do, but we don’t. To most He’s a mental crutch. But when you walk and talk with Him as if He is a friend, things change.
One of two people are reading this today:
1. If you don’t follow Christ as leader and forgiver of your life- Then, go to church somewhere that will lead you to Him this weekend. Begin a fresh new life, THIS weekend- new thought-life, new direction, move somewhere, change jobs, and renew your commitment to your family and start over.
2. If you do follow Christ as leader and forgiver of your life- As you worship the risen Lord this weekend, begin again, start-over with new thoughts, new relationships, new directions, new energy, etc. etc. etc. Go make some changes and leave Sunday a different person. “Joy really does come in the morning” every morning because it indicates that you woke up and found yourself alive which means God still has a plan for YOU!
It’s a NEW day for me!!! I’ve decided!!!!
Love the post and the thought line – for me it comes down to a choice…a choice of what I choose to believe…Jesus was called to that Cross on my behalf, He chose to die for me the sinner, and did it for my salvation….and for that reason it is a Good Friday!
I agree; a simple choice, everyday, in every way. Keep feeding us, Tom, with what God is saying to you!! Love it!