This goes out to our launch teamers and their GENEROSITY these 5 months!  Everybody is beginning to tithe and give, already, and this is the kind of culture of generosity this church will be founded upon.  I can tell you, God has special plans in store for you and it’s not at all, what Origin Church wants FROM you, but what God will do FOR you, because of your generosity!  So, here at the end of 5 months of launch team meetings, we say, “Yeah God and yeah team!”  Let’s celebrate!!!

“Every act of God is an act of lavish generosity.  He gives freely, fully, graciously, and without measure.  He is a giver, not a taker.  Generosity means living life with our hands open, generously giving away the truth, time, talent, and treasure that God has so graciously entrusted to us.”  -Fellowship Bible Church, Brentwood, TN

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