You guys that have yet to join our launch team are missing one great community of people!  It is a diverse group and an authentic group that God has and is putting together to launch Origin Church.  We still need you to join our team and be a part of this great movement and initiative that God plans for our area of the country.  If you are in the Chattanooga, TN/Ringgold, GA area or know someone, family or friends, send them our way to hear more about the launch of Origin Church.  We had another greatttttttttt meeting last night with vision, plans, calendars, and prayer.  “God, give us continued wisdom!”  If you are anywhere near us, you need this church!!!  We’re getting closer to launch!  We are going to announce our three month countdown calendar timeline very, very soon!  You can join our team right here!  Origin Church……..a church for people who don’t go, don’t like, have given up on, disillusioned by, or those who can’t stand to get near a church.  It is also a church for the lover of Christ and the person who has dreams of being a part of something so much greater than themselves!  Aren’t you tired of being tired of the same old stuff in your life?  Make the decision today!  You can be authentic, transparent, and find the plan God has for your life.

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