I’ve followed JH around the country since 1988, when I first got to know him.  I had graduated from UGA and my mom told me I needed to go try FB Woodstock and I did.  Wow!  I had found my place.  Kim and I were affected greatly from day one.  She even quit her new career so we could stay in Woodstock to grow as believers.  Ultimately, I would commit my future to sacrifical service in full-time ministry under JH’s ministry.  He was the real deal!  He was then, and he is now, a real Christian.  He has always been a man’s man of a leader and friend.  He’s certainly been my friend.  He’ll do anything he can for anybody.  He loves people in general, and specifically.  He cares strongly and has devoted his life to reaching unreached people, whatever it takes.  We’ve been in different parts of the world together and we consider his family our family on many levels.  Needless to say, the details of his life and ministry have forever impacted my own.  In fact, his family is a personal part of our new church launch in Ringgold, GA.  I would like to wish JH God’s favor and His best this week during the vote of the Presidency for the Southern Baptist Convention in Indianapolis.  His will be done!  I love you Dr. JH!

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