John Cross and I go back to 1992; we basically started pastoring about the same time. Johnny Hunt told me one day, “I’ve got a young pastor in Florida you need to meet. You guys are a lot alike.” It began a long friendship. We’ve travelled a lot of roads together around the world. John has been single 46 years; just recently got engaged to Dawn Pollock, who lost her husband and son in a plane crash last year. He serves as the President of the Florida Baptist Convention and has pastored the South Biscayne Church since the early 90’s. It’s a neat story. You can read it here. John, we’re happy for you!
Hi you guys came to my church last year and talked about your wonderful story of how you guys met. Recently my boyfriends ex girlfriend passed away and he treats me differently. He talks a lot about her and he pushes me away, he posts comments talking about her and also pictures of them and it hurts me. Ive tried to talk to him but i no longer know what to do. I need help because i love him very much and i dont want to lose him.