Ed Young said, “Another level, a whole new devil.” Good, huh? If you step out in faith, trust, and test God to see what His response will be to your obedience, watch out! Old sleufoot will aim a ton of guns at your life! It’s real! We got on the ground in July to launch a church for people who don’t go, don’t think about going, haven’t concerned themselves with going, and who might have given up on church. These have been some of the most challenging and toughest days of minisry I’ve ever done, YET, the most rewarding. The work load is magnanimous and the God-factor has been huge! We literally see Him everyday! We must see Him, or quit! You know, it’s simple, yet we don’t like it: To get to places we’ve never gone, we have to do things we’ve never done!
I can tell you that I know for sure, that if you’re living life with or without Christ, the challenge and the struggles of this life are the same. You might as well check out God, test for yourself if He’s real, and go through life with Him rather than without Him. Life will become different! If you’re wrong, you would have still lived an amazing life! There has never been any promise that life would be easy- the difference is in who you do life with!