I can remember a day in ministry when my every joy and happiness depended upon whether our church did well or not. I’ve always wondered who invented “well.” I think every denomination and every generation of leader has set some kind of invisible, often never written in the Bible, standard, that young pastors and people seem to subsribe to and/or fall for. It is corruptive, to say the least.
What happened to simple faith, trust, and obeying what God says next? Why have we taken outcome upon our shoulders? Nobody knows what God is up to within an obedience……the reason being, He is very concerned with an individual being refined and made more like Him which makes the sum of the whole even greater.
I’ve been a pastor almost 20 years and I can tell you, this new launch of Origin Church was never my idea; didn’t want to do it! However, God said “Go” and we did…..we have been exhilirated! In conclusion, that’s why every week is great, regardless! It’s not what defines me…it’s not “who” I am…it’s only “what” God has called me to do! My value and yours, becasue of Christ’s love, is the same, always and regardless!
So true, so true.