Every week, we have to take a look at where we are as a church and are we progressing and are we becoming more productive. I use 4 metrics to decide where Origin is and we will use this throughout our journey:
- Are we a praying church? Do we recognize from the outset that this is God’s venture and not ours? Are we aligning our heart with his heart, our mission with his mission, and our vision with his vision?
- Are we a generous church? Do we understand that all we have comes from God and belongs to him? Do we give back a priority percentage every month? Are we willing to increase that percentage as we mature in our faith?
- Are we a serving church? Are we joining the mission in whatever role is most helpful? Do we understand that the environments we’re creating serve a greater purpose? Do we give of our time and not just our finances?
- Are we inviting? Are we willing to leverage the relational influence God has granted us to lead others into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ? Do we truly understand the urgency of our mission here on earth?
We’ve got to do a much better job at all of these…….we are far, far from the mark of having good traction in all these areas. See, in essence, if the above four things are not growing, then we are not accomplishing our mission of leading people one step closer to Jesus. The only way we can get better is for you to help us!